What is Modern Aging Singapore?

Modern Aging Singapore is a business accelerator designed to facilitate the creation of new, Singapore based businesses that meet the needs of the elderly. Modern Aging is supported by the Ministry of Health and is the creation of ACCESS Health International and NUS Enterprise.

Modern Aging combines online learning, focused workshops, with individual mentoring. An expert faculty drawn from business and thought leaders of the Singapore community will describe the impact of demographic change and highlight business opportunities. Modern Aging will provide instruction on the basics of creating a new business and will help participants create strong business plans. Mentors will work with participants individually to create fundable business proposals. A panel of experts will award funding to those proposals they believe are most likely to succeed.

Modern Aging Singapore will also leverage world leading university research and technologies by bringing these together with innovators and entrepreneurs. This highly focused initiative offers Singapore the opportunity to have global impact on aging populations. Simultaneously, Modern Aging Singapore will catalyze the development of Singapore’s future entrepreneurs in the elder market.

Why Modern Aging Singapore?

In Singapore, twenty percent of residents are expected to be sixty five and older by 2030. The retirement age is likely to increase. The Singapore government plans to build a Smart Nation involving seniors, youth, and businesses. The government has also formed a Ministerial Committee on Aging, involving various ministries.  Seniors have specific needs and demands. Seniors have higher spending power. There are gaps and opportunities for new businesses to contribute needed products and solutions for seniors. The intent is these businesses to serve the needs of the elderly in Singpaore, in the region and globally.

How will these trends effect life in Singapore?

Take the survey

What innovations will impact how Singaporeans age?

Take the survey

Who can participate?

We welcome participation from university students, graduate students and post doctoral fellows, researchers, and healthcare professionals from local universities, polytechnics, research centers, and regional health systems. We also encourage participation from entrepreneurs and the business community. Participants can join as individuals or as teams. For example, an engineering student with a business idea may benefit from a partnership  with a designer and a business person. A health professional or health sciences student may need technical and social systems expertise.

Program Timeline

  • Launch of online aging curriculum

    Workshop: Overview of Modern Aging

  • Business idea submission deadline

  • Modern Aging Singapore progresses to the business development phase with a workshop on entrepreneuership, featuring talks by successful entrepreneuers. Top teams will be announced and paired with industry mentors.

  • An intensive one day business workshop will train teams in building comprehensive business model canvasses. Team will hone their business ideas with grounded advice from expericenced trainers.

  • Workshop: How to secure investment and funding

  • Final pitching session

    Selection of best business concepts


Modern Aging Singapore consists of a blended curriculum of in person workshops, online learning, and industry mentoring sessions. At the Modern Aging Kickoff on Aug 15, participants are treated to four workshop presentations. The Kickoff also marks the launch of the Modern Aging online learning portal. Participants will be able to view online lectures in manageable parts at their convenience. The business curriculum will be added to the portal to support teams as they progress to business idea generation and development. In mid September, teams submit their business ideas, and promising teams are matched with industry mentors to further develop their business models.

Show full curriculum

Mentors and Instructors

Mentor: Yorelle Kalika Founder & CEO Active Global Specialized Caregivers

Show all mentors and instructors

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Access Health International

ACCESS Health International is a nonprofit think tank and advisory group dedicated to improving access to high quality, affordable healthcare in low, middle, and high income countries. We advise national and regional governments and the private sector on the design and management of healthcare finance and delivery systems.

Find out more at access.org

National University of Singpore

NUS Enterprise provides an enterprise dimension to NUS teaching and research that augments and complements the university’s academic programmes. We nurture entrepreneurial talents with global mindsets, while advancing innovation and entrepreneurship at Asia’s leading university.

Find out more at enterprise.nus.edu.sg

Academic Partners

Duke NUS Medical

The Duke NUS Graduate Medical School lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sagittis efficitur venenatis. Pellentesque mi odio, interdum vel mauris sed, porttitor imperdiet massa. Donec eget lacinia ante. Integer ultricies elit nec massa eges tas feugiat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque facilisis leo augue, ac mollis tellus viverra sed.

Find out more at duke-nus.edu.sg

National University of Singpore Business School

The NUS Business School sed ac felis placerat, varius eros ut, vestibulum orci. Mauris quis erat vitae felis varius vulputate et vel mi. Fusce lorem tortor, mollis quis mi sed, rhoncus consequat est. Aenean purus lorem, luctus sit amet dui sed, faucibus sceleris que augue. Etiam quis porta erat.

Find out more at bschool.nus.edu

Contact Us

If you require more information on the program please feel free to contact:

Andrienne Mendenhall

Country Manager, ACCESS Health International

Andrew Phua

Program Coordinator, ACCESS Health International